Can you help us raise awareness and funds ??

Can you help by: hosting a BBQ, dinner party, ladies luncheon, quiz night or any event that could help promote ovarian cancer awareness and assist us in achieving our goal of funding an ovarian cancer nurse in South Australia?

We can assist with clinical or Ambassador guest speakers, decorations and promotions.
Please message us or visit our EVENTS PAGE for ideas.
Your details will not be passed on to any third party without your permission.


Can you help as a Sponsor??

Your workplace could host a casual clothes day in February (Ovarian Cancer awareness month) for the OC Challenge to assist us in costings for future funding.

Or offer 'in kind' partnership.
Please contact Debbie for information on levels of sponsorship or partnership.

PO Box 20
Semaphore SA 5019
ABN 65 810 828 158